The Context

It's always a better idea to have a look on the existing solutions/products of the problem that we intend to solve. This gives a better insight and in-depth  visualization of the contemporary technologies and possibilities. This is an important step for innovation and it can be accomplished by studying the available data or through interaction with all the users and stakeholders.

Now we will analyse some available solutions and products for our problem statement.


This phone like device is purposely designed for kids attending kindergarten and this is a nice toy for kid to have and great deal of technology for parents to keep an eye upon. Interface is very much intuitive, GPS enables live location tracking, SOS provides dedicated Emergency button at time of need.

We know elderly people are very much delicate and naïve to technology so this simple but powerful technology can be good partner for them and for the guardian of the family who remains tensed.

At same time we should not forget about the section of society, we are working for. This problem is mainly faced by the Indian Lower middle class section, mostly belonging to farming occupation. They will not be able to By this INR 3499 gadget. And the literacy they usually have doesn't allow them to be able to handle it with any little amount of inconvenience.  

                                                                             Tag8 Key Security Tag

The tag8 is Indian origin Global lost and found service provider, this product is more like a tag that we use to remember things. This works as an key for the owner who have lost something, the founder of the object will notify to the tag8 website or customer care and the person who has lost also notify the same. Tag8 will find the match and return the object to owner and reward the founder.

This cost INR 349.00 which is way cheaper and convenient for the elderly to carry without any hassle. All they need to do is tag it somewhere in their body. And whenever they find themselves in situation like lost they can reach to anyone in the crowd and that person can help them reach out their family.

