The Cause

 The Cause covers most basic and important part of every innovation journey. "Necessity is the mother of innovation" has been rightly said and the key feature to find a solution is to understand the problem in depth. This need or problem recognition is a key trigger for the project and it can be identified by us if we go looking for it. We visited and talked to elderly people facing various problem due to their age. We came to a point which is very much sensible and can occur to anyone visiting various Tirth sthals.

        Problem we picked up after rounds of talking and interaction is "People separating due to crowd in shrines like Kumbha and Ujjain"

The Internet is full of Incidents which sufficiently proves the need and care for elderly people who visit crowded places like the Holy pilgrimage.

Crowdy areas are vulnerable to separations or sometimes even death in the worst cases. Here are some of the reasons for the causalities.

  • Poor crowd management by the organizing authority.
  • Lack of necessary force for crowd management implementation.
  • The irresponsibility of the family members who were supposed to keep a look at each other.
  • In case there is a support system for these kinds of situations, there is a lack of information among elders of how to avail the services of these systems at the time of need.
